Classic dialogues in Wong Kar Wai's Films...I hate to translate them, it's just too difficult to match the meaning.
* 每个人都会坚持自己的信念,在别人看来只是浪费时间。
- Everyone would be insisted on their faith, but for others they're just wasting their time.
* 一个人有烦恼是因为记性太好,如果什么都可以忘掉,以后的每一天都会是一个新的开始。会是多么的开心。
- We've troubled ourselves by having good memory. How wonderful would it be if we could forget everything and start our everyday as new."
* 让一个人最痛苦的方法是杀掉他最爱的女人。
- "The best way to makes a man suffer is by killing his love ones."
* 你越想知道自己是不是忘记反而记得越清楚,当你不能够再拥有的时候,惟一可做的,就是让自己不要忘记。
- "You'll keep remember when you try to make youself forget. When you cannot have he/her, the only thing you can do is by making yourself not to forget.
* 任何人都可以变得狠毒,只要你尝试过什么叫忌妒。
- Everyone could be vicious when they finally understood what is jealousy.
* 不知道从什么时候开始,在什么东西上面都有个日期,秋刀鱼会过期,肉罐头会过期,连保鲜纸都会过期,我开始怀疑,在这个世界上,还有什么东西是不会过期的?
- "Somehow, somewhere, sometime, everything expires. Fish expires,meat sause expires, even cling wrap expires. Is there anything on this earth which doesn't expires?"
* “我距离她最近的时候, 只有0.01公分;57个小时之后,我爱上了这个女人。”
- "At our closest point, we're just 0.01cm apart. 57 hours later, I was in love with this woman."
* “我以为有一种人是永远不会嫉妒的,因为他太骄傲。”
- "There's a kind of people wouldn't jeolous, because they're too arrogant to be jealous."
* “要想不被人拒绝,最好的办法是先去拒绝别人。”
- "The best way to avoid being rejected is by rejecting them first."
* “我以为我和他不一样,原来寂寞的时候,每个人都一样。”
- "I thought we're not the same, in fact we were, especially when we're lonely."
* “如果有一天我忍不住问起,你一定要骗我,就算你心里有多么不愿意,也不要告诉我你最喜欢的人不是我。”
- If I'd ask you, you should lie to me no matter how you're not willing to. Please don't tell me the one that you'd loved the most wasn't me."
* “这个沙漠的后面是什么地方?” “是另外一个沙漠。”
- "What's behind this desert?" "There's another desert."
* “那天,我很失望,我觉得我已经和你混在一起,变成一个人,没有了自己。我不想和你一样。
- " I was so dissapointed that day. I think I have lose myself and becomes you. I don't want to be the same as you."
* “虽然我很喜欢她,但是我不想让她知道,因为我明白得不到的东西永远是最好的。”
- "Although I like her, but I wouldn't let her knows, because I understand what we'll never get is always the best."
* “如果感情是可以分胜负的话,我不知道被人喜欢的感觉是怎样的,但我很清楚,从一开始我就输了。 ”
- " If there were lose and winning in love, I wouldn't know how it's feel for being love. But I'm clear that I'm losing since the beginning."
* “我很妒忌欧阳锋,我很想知道被人喜欢的感觉是怎样的,结果我伤害了很多人。 ”
- "I'm so jealous of him, I wanted to know how's the feeling of being love, unfortunately I hurt many other people."
* "每个人都有失恋的时候,而每一次我失恋,我都会去跑步,因为跑步可以将你身体里的水分蒸发掉,而让我不那么容易流泪."
- "Its no big deal. There's no need to cry. I'm heartbroken too, but I go running. That way I sweat and there's no water left for tears."
- "On May 1st,1994, a woman wished me Happy Birthday. I'll remember her all my life for that greeting. If memory can be tinned, I hope it never has a sell-by-date.
If it does, I hope it's in 10000 years time."
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